Life Membership Nominations

Notice to Members

The Board of Five Dock RSL Community Club Ltd. is pleased to invite nominations for Life Membership. This prestigious honour recognises members who have rendered long or meritorious service to the Club.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Life Membership, the nominee must:

  • Be a current member of the Club.

  • Have provided long or meritorious service that significantly exceeds standard membership involvement.

Nomination Process


  • Nominations must be submitted in writing and include:

    • The nominee’s name and membership details.

    • A detailed account of their service and contributions to the Club.

  • Nominations require a proposer and seconder.

  • Completed nominations must be submitted to the Club Secretary or designated officer by 15th March 2025.

Attendance Requirement

  • Both the proposer and seconder will be required to:

    • Attend the Board Meeting where the nomination is reviewed to speak in support of the nomination.

    • Attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to speak in support of the nomination to members.

Review by the Board:

  • The Board will review all nominations and assess them against the eligibility criteria.

  • If supported, the Board will submit a recommendation to the AGM.

Approval at the AGM:

  • The Board’s recommendations will be presented at the AGM for consideration.

  • Approval requires a resolution carried by a majority of members present and voting.

  • No more than two Life Memberships may be awarded in a single year.


Successful nominees will be announced at the AGM and formally recognised for their outstanding service to the Club.

For further information or assistance with the nomination process, please contact the undersigned on (02) 9712 2055.

By order of the Board

David Conway

Club Secretary
